Blue Moss

Consulting: Workshops & Choice Facilitation

We’ve seen and heard the meeting horror stories: from heated team round tables, where everyone’s input is heard, but no decisions are made… to fun team brainstorms, where you end up with a ton of output you’re not sure what to do with.

Blue Moss workshops are designed around all the elements needed to make smart decisions – the key players, the data, the needed outputs, and our proprietary strategic (and hopefully fun) exercises. Our goal is to help your team make impactful product and brand choices with key buy-in.

      • Bespoke workshop or meeting development, creative & active facilitation, and purposeful output to drive home the conversation
      • Examples include market understanding opportunity workshops, positioning workshops, messaging / claims and story crafting workshops

Call (or email…or text) us!

We’d love to hear from you! Whether it’s just to kick around some thoughts or with a specific project idea, Staci's always happy to chat.
